Powerful Analog Electronics

Design and Analysis for Aerospace and Space

ProPower Consuting

ProPower Consulting

is an electronics consulting company specializing in

  • Power Electronics

  • DC/DC Converters

  • Audio (Pro and Consumer)

  • EMI

clear glass bulb on human palm
clear glass bulb on human palm
green and black computer hard disk drive
green and black computer hard disk drive

Principal Engineer:
Lee Silberkleit

Lee has both a BSEE and an MSEE from the University of Washington. With over 25 Years of R+D level Design and analysis experience he has worked on all manner of projects from one of a kind prototypes to Mass Production. Since 1998 he has been operating as an independent consultant with a solid list of return customers including, General Dynamics, Honeywell and Interpoint/Crane. As an engineer he has a reputation for
getting the job done!

man in gray hoodie holding black smartphone
man in gray hoodie holding black smartphone

We offer a wide range of services including analog electronics power supply design, audio design and analysis, as well as consulting services for the aerospace and space industry.

Our Services

white earbuds
white earbuds

Contact Us

silver iPhone 6s near cup and MacBook
silver iPhone 6s near cup and MacBook